
How to Add Fonts in Microsoft Windows XP / Windows 7

Now I will menberi information about how to install fonts in XP and can also apply to Windows Vista and Windows 7.

1. Search on google.com fonts you want to add, as an example I will use the font here is "Korean Fonts".

2. Extract the first font that will be installed. (Before installing check whether it's good Winrar / Winzip is installed)

3. Extract Method: Click on the file will be extracted> Right click> Extract Here.

 4. Then it will appear Korean.ttf fonts (with large T logo)

5. Continue to copy a file to be installed

6. Copy the Korean font was then PASTE in the folder C> Windows> Fonts.

7. Completed, to see the results, try to open an Office application or Photoshop, Korean must already exist in it.

Good Luck.........


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