For overclocking enthusiasts, it appears that Intel's Sandy Bridge processors will be something separate. Just imagine, recently there are reports that this processor can reach speeds of 5GHz with just using a fan.
Is OCWorkbench who witnessed this incident. From the report, it reached a frequency processor 4.92 GHz using only ordinary fan. Meanwhile, the temperature is not too hot, 45 degrees at the time of silence.
To achieve this frequency, the processor CLOCK is set at 120 MHz, while the multiplier set to 41x. Regarding the memory used is equipped with DDR3-2400 CAS Latency 10t
But there is no information what type of processor used in this experiment. As we all know there are three chips that will be released by Intel in November.
Quad Core Processor Intel Sandy Bridge is the new 32nm fabrication on all fronts, Intel promises a significant performance improvement in the second generation of Core i seriesnya, with a new naming system allows the consumer to understand the intel processor.
All this new processor numbering begins with the number 2 in front of the processor serial number, which indicates this is the second-generation processors from Core i7, i5, and i3, and on some models will get an extra at the end of the number to distinguish between the processor with unlocked multiplier (K), the series power saving (S), and the most efficient power among the other processor (T)
Switch to test the game, performance is far left and approach the Lynnfield processor generation Core i7 980X, a very good performance considering the price is likely to replace the price of Core i5 760
And bottom line, this processor consumes approximately equivalent to Lyynfield at idle and more power efficient at full load
The new processor, chipset and Socket new, amazing performance (CPU and GPU), saving power and reasonable price, probably Sandy Bridge processor will be more radiant than the Nehalem generation of expensive and wasteful of resources, and certainly will be worth the costs you will spend when the platform is launched later.
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